Home Vim



Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. It’s an improved version of the vi editor distributed with most UNIX systems.

Install Vim using Homebrew:

brew install vim

Basic Commands

Opening and Exiting

  • Open Vim:

    vim #or vi
  • Open a file:

    vim filename
  • Exit Vim:

    • :q (if no changes were made)
    • :q! (to exit without saving changes)
    • :wq (to save changes and exit)
    • ZZ (to save and quit)
  • Move cursor:
    • h (left), j (down), k (up), l (right)
  • Go to start of the file:
    • gg
  • Go to end of the file:
    • G
  • Go to line number (e.g., line 5):
    • :5


  • Insert mode:
    • i (before cursor), I (start of line), a (after cursor), A (end of line)
  • Delete character:
    • x (under cursor), X (before cursor)
  • Delete entire line:
    • dd
  • Undo and redo:
    • u (undo), Ctrl-r (redo)
  • Copy (yank) and paste:
    • yy (copy line), p (paste after cursor), P (paste before cursor)

Search and Replace

  • Search for a pattern:
    • /pattern (then n for next, N for previous)
  • Replace:
    • :%s/old/new/g (replace all occurrences of ‘old’ with ‘new’)
    • :%s/old/new/gc (with confirmation)

Visual Mode

  • Enter visual mode:
    • v (character mode), V (line mode), Ctrl-v (block mode)
  • Commands in visual mode (like copy, delete) are applied to the selected text.

Windows and Tabs

  • Split window:
    • :split (horizontal), :vsplit (vertical)
  • Navigate windows:
    • Ctrl-w followed by navigation keys (h, j, k, l)
  • Open new tab:
    • :tabnew
  • Navigate tabs:
    • gt (next tab), gT (previous tab)

Advanced Features

  • Command mode for complex commands
  • Customization through .vimrc
  • Extensive plugin system
  • Integration with many tools
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